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Total Ankle

by Crimson Foot & Ankle | 6 years ago

Crimson Foot And Ankle, Dr. Jeremy Cook, Dr. Emily Cook, Dr. Philip Basile, Total Ankle Replacement, Arthritis, Cartilage Replacement

Dr. John G. Kennedy, MD | Osteochondral Defects

This video is about Osteochondral Defects
By John G. Kennedy, MD
7 years ago

Patient Testimonial for David Saper MD | William's Limb Salvage

William fell off his roof sustaining several limb and life threatening injuries including an open..
By David Saper, MD
6 years ago

Patient Story - Baily B.

Dr. Ho is recommended by Baily B. for fixing her broken ankle. She shares her patient story...
By Bryant S. Ho, M.D.
5 years ago

Ankle Injuries on WGN with IBJI's Daniel M. Dean, MD

Join Dr. Daniel Dean of Illinois Bone & Joint Institute as he discusses ankle injuries. Discover..
By Daniel M. Dean, M.D.
1 year ago

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