The Role of Technology in Knee Replacement Surgery
by Nicholas B. Frisch MD | 2 years ago
Dr. Frisch, M.D., board certified orthopedic surgeon, informs patients how modern technology can aid in recovery after knee replacement surgery.
by Nicholas B. Frisch MD | 2 years ago
Dr. Frisch, M.D., board certified orthopedic surgeon, informs patients how modern technology can aid in recovery after knee replacement surgery.
VectorVision CT-free knee is a new navigation system that enables surgeons to verify each step of..
By Edgar G. Handal, MD.
17 years ago
Staged Reconstruction of a Multiligamentous Knee Injury - ACL, PCL, LCL
By Michael Alaia, M.D.
3 years ago
Anterior Closing Wedge Osteotomy and Revision ACL in the setting of Increased Posterior Tibial..
By Michael Alaia, M.D.
3 years ago
Here is what patients have to say after their knee replacement surgery
By John P. Eggers, M.D.
6 years ago
By Dr. Adnan Saithna
6 years ago