Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rotator Cuff Tear, Shoulder Arthroscopy, Shoulder Instability, Shoulder Replacement, Shoulder Injuries, Knee Injuries, Elbow Injuries, Shoulder Joint Replacement, Partial Shoulder Replacements, Frozen Shoulder, Shoulder Impingement, Reverse Shoulder Replacement, Knee Pain, Hip Pain, Shoulder Arthritis, Minimally Invasive Techniques, Hip Injuries, Labral Tears, Arthroscopic Bankart Repairs, Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repairs, SLAP Tears, Normal Anatomy of the Shoulder, Shoulder Labrum Reconstruction, Shoulder Pain, Dislocated Shoulder, Bicep Tendon Rupture, Shoulder Instability Surgery
Dana White talks about Dr. Gombera,..
8 years ago