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Hip impingement animation CAM

by Geoffrey S. Van Thiel, MD | 11 years ago

Hip Arthroscopy: Acetabular Labral Repair - Labral Base Refixation

This is the Labral Base Re-fixation technique for labral tearing as published by Dr. Domb..
By American Hip Institute &..
11 years ago

Depuy Direct Anterior Total Hip Replacement Animated Video

This video is an animated simulaion of a total hip replacement done with the direct anterior..
By Sridhar Durbhakula, M.D.
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Safe Access, Patient Positioning, Portal Placement, Dr. Brian Giordano, Chicago Hip Symposium (2013)

Presentation by Dr. Brian Giordano at the 2013 Chicago Hip Symposium that addresses safe access,..
By American Hip Institute..
11 years ago

Dr. Mark Adickes: What is the difference between hip, shoulder, and knee arthroscopy?

Dr. Mark Adickes answers Frequently Asked Questions: What is the difference between hip..
By Mark Adickes, M.D.
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