Home » Introduction
00:02:53Fluoride: The Superhero of Cavity..
10 years ago00:03:20Dr. Schneider on Shoulder Surgery
10 years ago00:04:18Treatment of Common Hand Problems -..
10 years ago00:02:04Helping Adults with Flat Feet - David..
10 years ago00:02:27Total Ankle Replacement - David A...
10 years ago00:03:08Management of Shoulder Pain - Patrick..
10 years ago00:03:21Total Shoulder Replacement - Patrick..
10 years ago00:02:55Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)..
10 years ago00:03:44Arthroscopic Procedures In the Hip -..
10 years ago00:01:41Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery -..
10 years ago00:02:06Management of Scoliosis - Reginald..
10 years ago00:02:34Comprehensive Care in Pain Management..
10 years ago00:02:43Advancements In Joint Replacement -..
10 years ago00:01:48Management of Sports Related Injuries..
10 years ago00:01:00FOX Sports Keck Medicine of USC..
10 years ago00:04:54VERILAST Technology Oxidized Zirconium..
10 years ago00:07:12About Mr. Vikas Vedi Orthopaedic Hip..
10 years ago00:02:26Clear Orthodontic Aligners AACD VIDEO 1
10 years ago00:02:04Dr. Sameer Nagda Bio
10 years ago00:00:53Oct 2014 : Akhil Autism Foundation..
10 years ago00:02:11Osteochondritis and Osgood Schlatter..
10 years ago00:00:55Mr. Vikas Vedi - Introduction
10 years ago00:00:50Shock Wave Therapy explained by Mr...
10 years ago00:00:29Mr. Vikas Vedi talking about..
10 years ago00:00:23Treatment for O-Group patients,..
10 years ago00:00:38Shock Wave Therapy - No side effects !!
10 years ago00:01:14Shock Wave Therapy - for soft tissue..
10 years ago00:00:333 Sessions of Shock Wave Therapy -..
10 years ago00:00:32Shock Wave Therapy - explained by Mr...
10 years ago00:00:53Mr. Vikas Vedi expalining the..
10 years ago00:00:46Shock Wave Therapy is to avoid major..
10 years ago00:00:33What is Shock Wave Therapy? Mr. Vikas..
10 years ago00:00:22What is Shock Wave Therapy? Mr. Vikas..
10 years ago00:00:55Meet Barton R. Branam, MD
10 years ago00:02:26Who Needs Knee Replacement Surgery?
10 years ago00:04:00What Does a Total Hip Replacement Look..
10 years ago00:03:01Why is the Anterior Approach for Total..
10 years ago00:03:00What Should I Expect After Total Hip..
10 years ago00:02:30Who Needs Hip Replacement Surgery?
10 years ago00:02:45What Does a Worn Out Hip Joint Look..
10 years ago00:01:50Platelet Rich Plasma - Howard Beach,..
10 years ago00:03:02PRP (Terapia de Plasma Rico en..
10 years ago00:01:30Troy I Mounts MD: HealthBreak -..
10 years ago00:01:40About Dr. Daniel Albright, Orthopedic..
10 years ago00:01:35Technology Advances in Knee Replacement
10 years ago00:03:00What Happens During a Total Knee..
10 years ago00:02:10Precautions After Knee Surgery
10 years ago00:02:10What Happens After Knee Replacement..
10 years ago00:00:26Dr Adam Weglein on Platelet Rich..
10 years ago00:02:37Understanding Brainsway Deep TMS..
10 years ago