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AVN & Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment: Hip Replacement Success Story | Best Orthopedic in Mumbai

by Dr. Supreet Bajwa | 11 months ago

Hip replacement on severely damaged joint due to “Rheumatoid Arthritis & AVN” Suffering a double blow, 55-year-old Mrs. Madhavi Ghadge from

Core Decompression AT | Cecilia Pascual-Garrido, MD, PhD

Core decompression augmented with BMAC and Bone allograft for early AVN of the hip is a minimally..
By Cecilia Pascual-Garrido, MD
7 years ago

Anterior Total Hip Replacement Patient Testimonial from Shady Grove Hospital

Dr. Sridhar Durbhakula at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital uses the specially designed Hana Table..
By Sridhar Durbhakula, M.D.
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Vince 10 week post op Video - Dr. Su

Vince at 10 weeks post op Bilateral Dr. Su patient
By Edwin P. Su, MD
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Mr SH Week 6 post anterior hip replacement

Category People & Blogs License Standard YouTube License
By Dr Frederick Hoe
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Osteoarthritis of the Hip & Knee

Hip or knee pain keeping you from the things you love? As Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Nathan B. Haile,..
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